The fiscal year was largely defined by the steady growth of most segments of Arizona's tourism and hospitality industry. Our ongoing strategic planning efforts, which serve as the backbone of our approach help ensure our daily marketing decisions are as effective as possible.
Create an Arizona experience that captures and nurtures the hearts and minds of people who call it home and travelers the world over in search of extraordinary adventure and natural wonders.
We stabilize and strengthen local economies, protect environmental and cultural resources, create a meaningful visitor experience and enhance the quality of life for Arizonans through tourism collaboration, promotion and development.
Strategic Planning
The Arizona Office of Tourism (AOT) leads the state’s tourism industry in the development of global marketing programs to promote Arizona as a unique travel destination.
With multiple research-based initiatives including advertising campaigns, cooperative marketing programs, travel trade activities, media relations and community outreach, AOT creates a positive and profitable cycle of visitation, spending, job growth and tax revenue. As a result, Arizona’s tourism industry injects billions of dollars into the state’s economy to help fund public services such as education, safety and health.
To accomplish this, AOT continually updates its strategic plans to maximize program reach and effectiveness.

The foundation of our current Three-Year Strategic Plan, 2021-24, includes four goals:
Throughout our FY24 Annual Report, you will see how our programs align to these goals and the results of our work.

Balance Statewide Visitation Across Time, Place, and Traveler Type

Strengthen Arizona’s Position as an International Destination for Desired Travelers

Support the Diverse Needs of our Industry Partners to Cultivate and Sustain a Thriving and Inclusive Tourism Economy

Sustain the Tourism Product and Experience by Expanding AOT’s Destination Management Program, Appreciate AZ
Arizona Brand Refresh Project
AOT conducted the first phase of its Arizona Brand Refresh initiative during FY24.
This fiscal year, AOT embarked on a statewide listening tour to gain insight from stakeholders on how they perceive our state and what issues they think impact Arizona. The intended outcome of this project is to build an updated brand identity for the state that instills pride in and reflects the values of Arizonans statewide. The culmination of the entire project will result in a brand playbook and new brand identity for Arizona including core brand attributes, messaging, and campaign that Arizona agencies and key stakeholders will be able to apply to their program of work.
This program started in mid-2023 as a chief initiative of CEO Lisa Urias with the goal of connecting face-to-face with a wide range of Arizonans in their communities to craft an updated state brand that reflects the diverse natural beauty, experiences and people of Arizona as they exist today.
AOT held more than 55 in-person and virtual community listening sessions to engage with more than 300 stakeholders, local tourism and local government leaders, small business owners and residents. Outreach has also included meeting with specific groups of people in-person and through digital means.
Consumer Marketing
The global competition for tourism visitation escalates daily.
This competition makes it imperative for AOT to elevate the state’s competitiveness to secure valuable visitor dollars, as these dollars are directly attributed to strengthening and expanding Arizona’s economic and social vitality. AOT competitively positions Arizona’s travel brand and maintains its tourism marketing momentum utilizing persona and targeted strategies and the following campaigns.
Domestic Campaign
The “Here You Are" campaign was introduced in FY23, measured for effectiveness, and optimized to run again in FY24 to continue increasing reach, frequency and awareness.
The campaign positioned Arizona as the ideal place for visitors to disconnect and truly live in the moment. The campaign is built on the desire to leave zoom calls, schedules, and routines behind and connect with the kids over a simple lakeside campfire or find exhilaration in solitude during a ride down a snow-covered mountainside.
“Here You Are” was deployed in the primary target markets of Charlotte, Chicago, Dallas, Indianapolis, New York, San Francisco, Southern California and secondary markets including Minneapolis and Denver. The key message to visitors was “Arizona immerses you in its undeniable wonders and has a way of making you stop and see that being present has never felt so good.”
Advertising Effectiveness Survey
Advertising impact is evaluated by comparing the attitudes and behaviors of those who have seen the advertising to the same measures among those unaware of the ads.
The FY24 “Here You Are” advertising generated 36% awareness nationally, reaching about 35.6 million traveling households.
The level of incremental travel translates into nearly 1.2 million ad-influenced trips and about $3.1 billion in revenue.
With a media investment of $4.7 million, the advertising returned $654 in visitor spending for each $1 invested. In terms of total tax revenue, the ROI garnered $51 for each $1 invested. The campaign ROI is the largest that SMARInsights has measured for AOT.
The updated “Here You Are” advertising didn’t merely influence the decision to visit Arizona. By showcasing the state’s leisure travel product and generating information gathering, it also led to more active, better trips with higher average visitor spending.
Arrivalist Data January - March
The Arrivalist data platform measures the effectiveness of digital marketing using anonymized location data of consumers exposed to our digital advertising and visit vs. consumers who have not been exposed to our digital advertising and visit. The exposed consumer should be visiting more and staying longer than the unexposed consumers.
- Exposure to advertising was 23.5% and arrivals rate was 63.2% indicating great exposure dispersion and a solid arrival rate.
- Arrivals Per 1,000 Exposures – Arizona is three times higher than the national average.
- Travelers came from markets where advertising ran and, as a result, stayed in Arizona longer.
International Marketing
In FY24, AOT launched several international business-to-consumer, business-to-business and consumer advertising campaigns using elements of the domestic “Here You Are” campaign to inspire visitation to the state.
The agency used a wide variety of marketing tactics, including efforts with Brand USA, Expedia, JC Decaux, Evasions, and in-market international tour operators in cooperation with our in-market representatives. International target markets included Australia, Canada, Germany, France, Mexico and the United Kingdom.
With a budget of $775,616 we completed:
- B2C campaigns: 10
- B2B opportunities: 17
- Consumer Campaigns: 4
- Market Research buys: 1
- In-Market Representatives: 5
Sports Marketing
Through major marketing efforts to in-market consumer activations, AOT worked to encourage visiting sports fans, and those yet to visit, to extend their Arizona sports vacations beyond just the Valley and the events that brought them here.
AOT targeted the Cactus League team markets and the greater Phoenix area to inspire visitation. Various marketing tactics included out-of-home, print ads, streaming radio, video, digital and in-market stadium placements. The agency also ran ads during the World Series to create excitement for Spring Training.
Over 81 million total impressions
PHASE 1: NOV 20, 2023 – FEB 22, 2024
PHASE 2: FEB 22, 2024 – MAR 26, 2024
- 105,940 total clicks from paid ads
- 148,580 website sessions on the Spring Training landing page
- Top location traffic: LA, CHI, DAL
- Highest-performing month: December
- YouTube, digital and paid search
- YouTube drove the highest interaction rate at 34.85%
Rural & Tribal Cooperative Marketing Program
The Rural & Tribal Cooperative Marketing Program is designed specifically for rural destination marketing organizations (DMOs), regional partnerships, statewide tourism associations and Tribal entities. It promotes and encourages visitation to Arizona’s rural and Tribal destinations.
Through this program, industry partners collaborate with AOT on advertising efforts extending the reach of their marketing programs, maximizing available funds, and increasing the overall exposure of their destinations. Program opportunities feature a robust media plan that includes video/content production, distribution, digital, print, outdoor and AOT publications, along with research and trade & media opportunities.
- $1.5 Million Matched
- 38 Community Participants
Wine Survey
AOT produced this study to identify the economic impact of Arizona’s wine tourism industry as it exists in 2023, with similar studies having been conducted in 2011 and 2017.
This study surveyed wine tourism participants to collect information on general demographics, on-site expenditures, visitation length, and overall wine-tasting experiences. Surveys were administered to visitors (one per party) at tasting rooms, vineyards, and wineries in Arizona’s three official wine-growing regions, also known as American Viticultural Areas or AVAs.
Economic Impact
Using the economic input-output model to include all direct, indirect and induced effects, in 2023, Arizona’s wine tourism industry:
- Created an estimated $351 million in total economic output.
- Supported an estimated 2,430 jobs and generated $115 million in labor income.
- Generated nearly $40 million in total taxes, $10 million of which was state taxes and $7 million was local taxes.
Over A Decade of Growth
Arizona’s wine tourism industry has shown incredible growth since 2011. This includes 500% or higher growth in categories including wine visitor spending, total economic output, employment and employment income.
Between 2011 and 2023:
- Wine Visitor Spending increased an astounding 677%, from over $31 million to over $241 million.
- Economic Output increased 588%, from over $51 million to over $351 million.
- Wine-related Employment increased 500% from 405 employed to 2,430.
- Labor Income increased 539% from over $18 million to over $115 million in earnings.
Social Media
Social Media is an integral component to AOT’s overall marketing efforts and is integrated into several campaigns.
AOT uses several social media channels, including Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, TikTok, Pinterest and YouTube to connect with travelers and inspire Arizona visitation. In FY24 AOT built several social media programs and initiatives to further generate engagement with visitors. We anticipated decreases in organic impressions and overall engagements due to a planned decrease in content published in FY24.
- Engagement: AOT monitors social media engagement through the measurement of comments, likes, and shares of its social media channels. The measure is a determinant of how people are interacting with our social media accounts and content.
- Follower Growth: AOT monitors monthly follower growth across platforms as a measurement to determine if our content is reaching new followers, and AOT implements strategies like giveaways and influencers to help reach new audiences to hit those metrics.
- Influencer Program: During FY24, AOT implemented an influencer program and hired existing and new content creators that help AOT reach their metric goals. These influencers cover a variety of personas to reach a variety of different audiences and help us check off those content needs, as well as helping us promote the different regions we have in the state.
- Video Content: Short form videos have become the forefront of our social media strategy, as a way to promote our various regions, partners and DMOs. We also use long-form content to promote our cultural and heritage videos, as well as educational content such as Ranger Talks.
Audience Growth
Audience growth across platforms totals 84,044, a 31.5K (+31%) increase compared to the same time period last fiscal year (61K).
- Through May, Instagram Reels drove 15.9M impressions and reached 12.2M accounts. This is an increase compared to final FY23 figures (11.5M impressions and 10.8M accounts reached).
- Total organic impressions decreased by 15% YoY with 54.3M received in FY24 compared to 63.2M in FY23.
- Overall engagements decreased by -49% with 4.4M received in FY24 compared to 6.6M received in FY23.
Travel Trade Relations
Through the agency’s Travel Trade Program, AOT provides travel trade professionals with tools and resources to develop communities, create awareness and demand within Arizona.
AOT works with travel trade (Tour Operators, Receptive Tour Operators, Product Managers, Travel Agents, etc.) throughout the United States as well as in targeted international markets (primarily, but not limited to, Australia & New Zealand, Canada, China, Mexico, Germany, France and the United Kingdom) and emerging international markets (primarily, but not limited to Japan, Korea and India). AOT’s program primarily focuses on increasing bookable product inventory statewide, creating customized itineraries and conducting destination trainings to reach key travel trade.
- FAM Tours/Participants: 10 / 62 pax
- Arizona Communities Visited: 42
- Trade Sales Appointments: 7,315
- Destination Trainings Conducted: 199
AOT fulfills visitor requests for travel planning assistance, provides travel planning materials, disseminates monthly email correspondence for “opt-in” consumers and maintains comprehensive, informative websites to encourage extended visits to Arizona.
Total Bulk Distribution
- Official State Travelers Guide (OSTG): 234,968
- State Maps: 297,239
Total Consumer Packets Distributed
- Travel Guides and Maps: 51,957
Top 5 consumer domestic request locations
Not including Arizona
- State Maps: CA, NM, TX, NV, UT
- Consumer Packets: CA, TX, FL, IL, WI
Top 5 consumer international request locations
Not including Canada for OSTG, Consumer Packets
- OSTG: Belgium, France, Australia, United Kingdom, Italy
- State Maps: Canada, United Kingdom, France, Italy
- Consumer Packets: United Kingdom, Germany, France, Italy, Australia
Media Relations
Through the agency’s Invested Media Program, AOT provides travel media with unique article ideas regarding Arizona’s travel experiences and an opportunity to experience the state firsthand to generate positive third-party editorial exposure.
AOT works with travel media (editors, writers, photographers, and influencers for newspapers, magazines, broadcasts, online, etc.) throughout the United States as well as in targeted international markets (primarily, but not limited to, Australia/New Zealand, Canada, China, Mexico, Germany, France and the United Kingdom). Readership/circulation for these articles can reach billions of potential travelers and the return on investment generates millions of dollars for Arizona.
- Journalists Hosted: 59
- Feature Articles Generated: 1,551
- Article Impressions: 5.2 billion
- Arizona Communities Visited: 33
Sustainable Tourism refers to the environmental, social-economics, and cultural & heritage aspects of tourism development.
AOT spent the fiscal year analyzing, identifying and strategically planning how to further expand destination management and sustainability efforts as an agency. One item identified early on was the critical need to establish the definition and foundation for sustainable tourism both as an agency and as a state. Another gap that was identified early on was the duplication of efforts and information silos within state and federal agencies, especially in the outdoor recreational industry. While a strong relationship had already been established between AOT and Arizona State Parks & Trails there was room for further expansion and collaboration.
Defined Pillars for Sustainability
- Responsible Behavior Communications
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Industry Education & Training
- Steer Sustainable Tourism Statewide Efforts
Strengthened Arizona State Parks & Trails Relationship
- Bi-weekly meetings
- Planning and data assistance
- Collaboration on building the Arizona Collaborative Outdoor Recreation Network (ACORN)
- Dual marketing educational effort established to promote T.R.E.A.D. principles for motorized outdoor recreational use
Connected Arizona State efforts to other state agencies and federal organizations
- Arizona became a provisional member of the Confluence of States
Local Media Coverage
AOT communicates clearly and consistently the positive impacts of the agency’s program of work and the overall Arizona tourism industry to audiences including internal and external partners, stakeholders, media, residents and consumers. Additionally, AOT uses proactive public relations efforts to support the agency's campaigns and programs.
- Number of Industry-Related Articles/Broadcasts Generated: 647
- Circulation: 1,008,000,000+
- Value: $2.2 million
American Indian Outreach
AOT offers a number of programs to support American Indian Communities across Arizona.
Cultural heritage tourism, including the American Indian experience, is an integral component of AOT's marketing efforts.
- Tribal Tourism Brochure: 15,625
Arizona Visitor Information Centers
AOT officially designates Arizona Visitor Information Centers (AVICs) throughout Arizona.
Each center helps to promote local, regional and statewide attractions, recreation opportunities and hospitality amenities.
- Visitor Centers Maintained/Designated: 62 including Arizona State Parks
- Total Visitation: 786,146
Past Annual Reports
Curious to learn more?
Check out the links below to view some of our past annual reports.