Arizona Visitor Information Centers

Visitor centers play a vital role in how we promote Arizona as a travel destination. These centers often serve
as a traveler's first stop, giving communities the opportunity to provide a positive first impression of Arizona.
Your center is essential to how we promote local, regional and statewide attractions, destinations, dining
options and hospitality amenities.

Visitors’ centers that complete the application process and achieve official AVIC accreditation will be listed in the following AOT consumer-marketing resources:

  • (2.8 million visits annually)
  • Arizona Official State Travel Guide (distribution exceeding 400,000)

Additionally, you will be supplied with AVIC marketing material and resources to ensure your ability to continue to provide great visitor information.

Visitor centers choosing not to participate in our program can still request and receive Arizona Official State Travel Guides and Maps, but these centers will not be listed on any AOT marketing material including those listed above.

Contact: For questions or more information, please contact Jenna Lehman, Community Affairs Manager at [email protected].

AVIC Application Form

AVIC Program Conditions and Guidelines for Designation