Destination Marketing Organizations:

As the official Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) for the state, the Arizona Office of Tourism partners with local DMOs for the purpose of coordinating tourism promotion with the state. AOT does not designate local DMOs across the state. The local designation decision lies with a municipality, or county (the “Entity”), and must conform to the following requirements:

  1. AOT recognizes only one DMO per established community and requires that a DMO must be recognized by the Entity (municipal or county leadership through official action, which also designates a position within the organization that is authorized by the official action to execute the DMO Affidavit on behalf of the Entity.
  2. The official action may be a resolution, ordinance, contract, or other official action by the Entity (municipality or county), and the action must be effective until July 1, 2025.
  3. Renewal of DMO Affidavits will only be required when a change in the DMO designation occurs or upon request from AOT. Renewal on an annual basis is no longer necessary.
  4. A DMO is defined as a not-for-profit organization or governmental unit that is responsible for the tourism promotion and marketing of a destination on a year-round basis.
  5. DMOs must have and present to AOT annual proof of 1) a dedicated tourism marketing budget; 2) a website/microsite and 3) social media presence.

AOT requires a DMO designation and affidavit from each partner that intends to participate in any AOT programs, but the designation will only be viable for the determined time the municipality or county sets.

Below are the needed documents with links and additional details:

  1. DMO Cover Page & Affidavit (Submit Through Google Form)
  2. Copy of the Official Action (Submit Through Google Form)
  3. Designated DMO Form (All documents will be uploaded and submitted through this form)

These documents are only required when there is a change in DMO designation or if the DMO designation provided for FY24 was only authorized for a year.