Economic Impact
Arizona’s warm weather and magnificent natural beauty made tourism the number one export industry in Arizona in 2023. 45.2 million people visited Arizona in 2023 who collectively spent $29.3 billion in the state. The money spent by visitors supports jobs and generates tax revenue. The $. 4.2 billion in 2023 tax revenue equals an annual tax savings of $889 for every Arizona household and supported 187,000 industry jobs.
Overnight Visitation
45.7 million
Total Overnight Visitation, 2023
$4.2 billion
Total Tax Revenue, 2023
Visitor Spending
$29.3 billion
Direct Travel Spending, 2023
187 thousand
Total Generated Employment, 2023

Arizona Travel Impacts 2014-2023
Arizona Office of Tourism commissions an annual study to examine the economic impact of the travel industry in the state and presents the updated data at the annual Governor’s Conference on Tourism. The following reports detail the impact of the travel industry to the state and each of its five regions and fifteen counties. The second report presents the same information by legislative district.

The Arizona Travel Impacts Interactive Dashboard
Click below to access the Arizona Travel Impacts Interactive Tool for instant access to data on key indicators statewide, by region and by county, and allows you to download the information for your own analysis.